asthma facts

Take in air Easy: Getting Very important Asthma Facts

Asthma has gripped millions of people all over the world. It has claimed many lives in many poor countries that have poor access to healthcare. Even after being presented with these asthma facts, many asthmatics generally have a good quality of life that’s because this disease can be treated easily and can be prevented just as easily too. 

Asthma facts - In a nutshell, asthma is a disease of the air passages. It occurs when a trigger enters the body causing a very strong reaction leading to difficulty of breathing and the characteristic wheezing. The exact cause of asthma still eludes medical science but hereditary and the environment play a role in causing the disease. But most often than not, asthma attacks are triggered by pollen, animal dander dust and even emotional stress and exercise. 

Asthma is usually treated with the use of bronchodilators delivered either through an inhaler or a nebulizer. This hand held device basically sprays medicine (known to the medical world as bronchodilators) into the airway passages, instantly reducing inflammation and promoting relief. While a nebulizer, simply makes a very fine mist from the medicine placed in its chamber with almost the same effect. Medication is very important in treating asthma but lifestyle changes and vigilance is also important in the prevention of an asthma attack.

Living with asthma is not easy. Asthma prevention can be classified into two namely, environmental changes and lifestyle changes. First preventive measure is modifying the environment namely by avoiding allergens that cause the attack. Always have a clean surrounding be it at home or at the workplace. Another is maintain a clean home and workspace since dust and mold can cause attacks but nothing a good scrubbing can fix. Then invest on a good air purifier because these things are good alternatives to air conditioning. 

Lifestyle changes are necessary in preventing another asthma attack. Starting off with stopping vices like smoking and alcohol. Some good asthma tips for this is to avoid smoking and second-hand smoke and also alcohol. Then find time to have a good exercise plan but do them at a moderate pace and clear it first with your doctor. With good exercise, practice good nutrition at the same time avoiding foods that can cause an allergic reaction. Weight control is very important for an asthmatic because excess weight can worsen asthma symptoms. Most importantly, find time for you to relax and don’t get to riled up with our emotions. 

Living with asthma can be a tough challenge. But with proper preventive measures and early treatments, asthmatics can live a happy, normal breathe easy life.